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The purpose of this publication is to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 19(2) and 22(2), sch. 19, FA 2016 UK Finance Act 2016 to publish the tax strategy of ProAmpac’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom (‘ProAmpac UK’) and to set out the framework within which it operates with regards to its tax obligations and tax risk management. This tax strategy is published in relation to the period ended 31 December 2023 and has been approved by the board of directors.

ProAmpac’s subsidiaries in the United Kingdom are:

  • ProAmpac Security Products Limited
  • ProAmpac UK Limited and its subsidiaries
    • ProAmpac London Limited and its subsidiary
      • Pethick & Money Limited
    • ProAmpac Grimsby Limited
    • ProAmpac Elsham Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries
      • ProAmpac Elsham Public Limited
      • Brayfour Limited and its subsidiary
        • ProAmpac Lincoln Limited

ProAmpac UK’s tax governance strategy
ProAmpac is a privately held global manufacturer of flexible and paper packaging solutions, currently with 46 manufacturing sites, 10 Award-winning design centers and employing over 6,000 people worldwide.

We seek to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate while responsibly managing the tax liabilities of the Group.

Key principles include:

  • A commitment to ensuring compliance with all statutory obligations and provision of full disclosure to tax authorities.
  • Where possible, sustaining good relations with tax authorities.
  • The SVP Finance Europe is the UK Senior accounting officer with overall responsibility for UK tax compliance. Day-to-day tasks related to each site’s tax compliance are carried out by the local finance team’s professionals. We seek the advice of third-party tax advisors when implementing tax procedures and documentations, addressing revised governmental regulations and before filing corporation tax returns.
  • File tax returns and related documentation on a timely basis
  • Make correct tax payments when due

Approach to tax planning and tax risk
The level of risk the group accepts in relation to taxation is consistent with our overall objective of achieving certainty in our tax affairs. At all times we seek to comply fully with all regulatory and other obligations and to act in a way which upholds our reputation as a responsible corporate taxpayer.

Tax disclosure and relationship with tax authorities
It is ProAmpac UK’s policy to comply with all relevant legal disclosure requirements and maintain an open and constructive relationship with tax authorities. All information will be clearly presented to the relevant tax authority as appropriate.

Any inadvertent errors in submissions made to tax authorities are fully disclosed as soon as reasonably practicable after they are identified.


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